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Our social worker team evaluates the needs and circumstances of each individual with the goal of helping everyone to make informed and responsible decisions for their future. They assists to reunite clients with their families where possible, and helps to draw up CV's, referrals to health care facilities and applications for grants and admission to senior homes. They also provides skills training in gardening and cleaning. 

The life skills guidance includes anger management, and practical advice on how to prepare for an interview, how to get a job and keep a job. All our services are designed to help the person take responsibility for him- or herself. 

Life skills training includes conflict management, as well as practical advice to help our clients find and retain a job. All of our services are aimed at empowering our clients to take responsibility for themselves. Various talks on relevant topics such as TB is offered. 


Die maatskaplike werk span evalueer die behoeftes en omstandighede van elke individu met die doel om almal te help om ingeligte en verantwoordelike besluite vir hul toekoms te neem. Hulle help om kliënte moontlik weer met hul gesinne te herenig, en help om CV's, verwysings na gesondheidsorgfasiliteite en aansoeke om toelaes en toelating tot ouerhuise op te stel. Hulle  bied ook vaardigheidsopleiding aan in skoonmaak.


Lewensvaardighede sluit woedehantering in en praktiese raad oor hoe om voor te berei vir 'n onderhoud, hoe om werk te kry en werk te behou. Al die dienste is ontwerp om die persoon te help om verantwoordelikheid vir homself te neem.

Gesondheidsgesprekke, insluitend TB, word gehou. 


Al die dienste is daarop gerig om ons kliënte te bemagtig om verantwoordelikheid vir hulself te neem.




Stellenbosch Night Shelter

3 Tennant Street, 





Stellenbosch Night Shelter

ABSA Current Account 

Account number: 1060131020

Branch code: 632005



Non-Profit Organisation: 004-737 NPO

SARS: Exemption from Taxes and Duties: Approved in terms of Section 18a: PBO 18 11 13 2084

Stellenbosch night shelter

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